RAINBOW YAWN is a collaboration between musician Deej Dhariwal, of the Wiltshire band Thought Forms (Invada Records) and visual artist Sarah James, born out of an improv performance at Café Kino, Bristol, in November 2018.
The pair create an immersive experience of sight and sound, improvising and reacting to each other to manifest a shared vision through hypnotic, analogue and digital visuals performed in real time with guitar and synth driven sonic soundscapes.
For more RAINBOW YAWN see
Lost & Grounded Brewery, Bristol
February 2020
Ink, acetate, USB microscope, digital effects

IMAX Cinema for Simple Things Festival, Bristol
October 2019
Ink, acetate, USB microscope, liquid light, digital effects

The Cube, Bristol
February 2019
Ink, acetate, USB microscope, digital projections and effects

Cafe Kino, Bristol
November 2018,
Liquid light, ink, acetate, refraction, Over Head Projector